Vaccination of the population can save from 2–3 million to 6 million human lives per year, avoid the occurrence of serious diseases and increase overall life expectancy. The history of vaccination began 1000 years before our era. The first vaccinations against smallpox using variolation date back to that era. However, in Europe, variolation for the purpose of preventing smallpox began to be used only from the beginning of the 18th century. In the 19th century Smallpox vaccination began. By the end of the 19th century. In addition to the smallpox vaccine, vaccines against four diseases were introduced into clinical practice: rabies in 1885, typhoid and cholera in 1896, and plague in 1897. And already in the 20th century. 35 different vaccines were developed and introduced into practical medicine. Currently, the process of creating vaccines continues. So, for example, in the 21st century. Various vaccines have been developed against human papillomavirus, rotavirus infection, herpes zoster, pneumococcal, and coronavirus infections. There is an opinion that the future of vaccination may be associated with the use of vaccines obtained on the basis of genetic engineering, the history of which began in 1993 and is associated with the creation of such a vaccine against viral hepatitis B.
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