• Ю.М. Баканова Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет. 194100, Российская Федерация, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Литовская, д. 2
  • К.В. Гульмамедова Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет. 194100, Российская Федерация, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Литовская, д. 2
  • А.Ю. Трапезникова Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет. 194100, Российская Федерация, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Литовская, д. 2
Ключевые слова: муковисцидоз, диагностика


Муковисцидоз, или кистозный фиброз, — распространенное наследственное заболевание, обусловленное мутацией гена CFTR, ответственного за синтез, сохранение структуры и функции белка CFTR. Муковисцидоз проявляется, в первую очередь, патологией со стороны желудочно-кишечного тракта и дыхательной системы. Недостаток функции белка при данной патологии приводит к повышению вязкости секрета экзокринных желез, обтурации органов и нарушению их функций, как следствие возникают стеаторея, мальабсорбция, сахарный диабет, нарушение метаболизма, задержка физического развития и хронический бронхолегочный процесс. В данной статье будут рассмотрены основные аспекты особенностей клинического течения и диагностики данного заболевания.


Кондратьева E.И., Каширская Н.Ю., Рославце- ва Е.А. Обзор национального консенсуса «Муковисцидоз: определение, диагностические критерии, терапия» для диетологов и гастроэнтерологов. Вопросы детской диетологии. 2018; 16(1). С. 58–74.

López-Valdez J.A., Aguilar-Alonso L.A., Gándara- Quezada V. et al. Cystic fibrosis: current concepts. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2021;78(6). Р. 584-596. DOI: 10.24875/BMHIM.20000372.

Регистр пациентов с муковисцидозом в Рос- сийской Федерации. 2020 год. / Под редакцией Е.И. Кондратьевой, С.А. Красовского, М.А. Стари- новой и др. М.: МЕДПРАКТИКА-М; 2022. С. 68.

De Boeck K. Cystic fibrosis in the year 2020: disease with a new face. Acta Paediatr. 2020;109(5). Р. 893– 899. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/apa.15155.

Lopes-Pacheco M. CFTR modulators: Shedding light on precision medicine for cystic fibrosis. Front Pharmacol. 2016;7. Р.275. DOI: https://doi. org/10.3389/fphar.2016.00275.

Капранов Н.И., Каширская Н.Ю. Муковисцидоз. М.: МЕДПРАКТИКА-М; 2014. С. 672.

Mogayzel P.J., Naureckas E.T., Robinson K.A. Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Guidelines. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013;187(7):680–689. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1164/rccm.201207-1160oe.

Национальный консенсус «Муковисцидоз: опре- деление, диагностические критерии, терапия» / под ред. Е.И. Кондратьевой, Н.Ю. Каширской, Н.И. Капранова. М.: ООО «Компания БОРГЕС»; 2016. С. 205.

Demco C.A., Stern R.C., Doershuk C.F. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in cystic fibrosis: incidence and prevalence. Pediatr Pulmonol. 1998;25(5):304–308. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ (sici)1099-0496(199805)25:53.0.co;2-i.

Denning D.W., Cadranel J., Beigelman-Aubry C. et al. Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis: rationale and clinical guidelines for 188 diagnosis and management. Eur Respir J. 2016;47(1):45–68. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1183/13993003.00583-2015.

Kosmidis C., Denning D.W. The clinical spectrum of pulmonaryaspergillosis. Thorax. 2015;70(3):270–277. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/thoraxjnl-2014-206291.

Шагинян И.А., Капранов Н.И., Чернуха М.Ю. и др. Микробный пейзаж нижних дыхательных путей у различных возрастных групп детей, больных муковисцидозом. Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии. 2010. № 1. С. 15– 20.

Burke M.S., Ragi J.M., Karamanoukian H.L. et al. New strategies in thenon-operative management of meconium ileus. J Pediat Surg. 2002;37(5):760– 764. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1053/jpsu.2002.32272.

Кондратьева Е.И., Шерман В.Д., Амелина Е.Л. и др. Клинико-генетическая характеристика и исходы мекониевого илеуса при муковисцидозе. Российский вестник перинаталогии и педиатрии. 2016. Т. 61. № 6. С. 77–81. DOI: https://doi. org/10.21508/1027-4065-2016-6-77-81.

Debray D., Narkewicz M.R., Bodewes F.A. et al. Cystic Fibrosis-related Liver Disease: Research Challenges and Future Perspectives. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65(4):443–448. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1097/MPG.0000000000001676.

Ciucă I.M., Pop L., Tămaş L. et al. Cystic fibrosis liver disease-from diagnosis to risk factors. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2014;55(1). Р. 91–95.

Klotter V., Gunchick C., Siemers E. et al. Assessment of pathologic increase in liver stiffness enables earlier diagnosis of CFLD: Results from a prospective longitudinal cohort study. PloS One. 2017;12(6):e0178784. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/ journal.pone.0178784.

Terliesner N., Vogel M., Steighardt A. et al. Cystic- fibrosis related-diabetes (CFRD) is preceded by and associated with growth failure and deteriorating lung function. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2017;30(8):815– 821. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ jpem-2017-0005.

Edenborough FP. Women with cystic fibrosis and their potential for reproduction. Thorax. 2001;56(8):649–655. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/ thorax.56.8.649.

Амелина Е.Л., Красовский С.А., Шугинин И.О. Муковисцидоз и беременность: клинико-генетические, функциональные и микробиологические характеристики пациенток. Педиатрия. Журнал им. Г.Н. Сперанского. 2014. Т. 93. № 4. С. 38–43.

Aris R.M., Merkel P.A., Bachrach L.K. et al. Consensus statement: Guide to bone health and disease in cystic fibrosis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(3):1888–1896. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1210/ jc.2004-1629.

Климко Н.Н. Микозы: диагностика и лечение: ру- ководство для врачей. 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: Фармтек; 2017. С. 272.

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Castellani C., Duff A.J.A., Bell S.C. et al. ECFS best practice guidelines: the 2018 revision. J Cyst Fibros. 2018;17(2).Р.153–178. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j. jcf.2018.02.006.

Stevens D.A., Moss R.B., Kurup V.P. et al. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in cystic fibrosis — state of the art: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Consensus Conference. Clin Infect Dis. 2003;37(Suppl 3). Р.S225–S264. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1086/376525.

Liu J.C., Modha D.E., Gaillard E.A. What is the clinical significance of filamentous fungi positive sputum cultures in patients with cystic fibrosis? J Cyst Fibros. 2013;12(3). Р.187–193. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j. jcf.2013.02.003.

Geller D.E., Kaplowitz H., Light M.J., Colin A.A. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in cystic fibrosis: reported prevalence, regional distribution, and patient characteristics. Scientific Advisory Group, Investigators, and Coordinators of the Epidemiologic Study of Cystic Fibrosis. Chest. 1999;116(3). Р.639–646. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1378/ chest.116.3.639.

Zolin A., Orenti A., van Rens J. et al. ECFS Patient Registry. Annual Data Report (2017 data). Version 1.2019. Available online: https://www.ecfs.eu/ sites/default/files/general- content- images/ workinggroups/ecfs-patient-registry/ECFSPR_ Report2017_v1.3.pdf. Accessed on April 17, 2022.

Leung D.H., Narkewicz M.R. Cystic Fibrosis-related cirrhosis. J Cyst Fibros. 2017;16(Suppl 2). Р.50–S61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcf.2017.07.002.

Pseudo-Bartter’s syndrome. In: Clinical Guidelines: Care of Children with Cystic Fibrosis. Royal Brompton Hospital; 2020. Vol. 8. P. 173–174.

Akata D., Akhan O. Liver manifestations of cystic fibrosis. Eur J Radiol. 2007;61(1).Р.11–17. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2006.11.008.

Williams S.M., Goodman R., Thomson A. et al. Ultrasound evaluation of liver disease in cystic fibrosis as part of an annual assessment clinic: a 9-year review. Clin Radiol. 2002;57(5).Р.365–370. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1053/crad.2001.0861.

Mueller-Abt P.R., Frawley K.J., Greer R.M. et al. Comparison of ultrasound and biopsy findings in children with cystic fibrosis related liver disease. J Cyst Fibros. 2008;7(3).Р.215–221. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jcf.2007.08.001.

Durand F., Valla D. Assessment of the prognosis of cirrhosis: Child-Pugh versus MELD. J Hepatol. 2005;42(Suppl 1).Р.100–S107. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jhep.2004.11.015.

Moran A., Brunzell C., Cohen R.C. Clinical care guidelines for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes: a position statement of the American Diabetes Association and a clinical practice guideline of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, endorsed by the Pediatric Endocrine Society. Diabetes Care. 2010;33(12). Р.2697–2708. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2337/dc10-1768.

Gordon C.M., Leonard M.B., Zemel B.S. 2013 Pediatric Position Development Conference: Executive Summary and Reflections. J Clin Densitom. 2014;17(2).Р.219–224. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jocd.2014.01.007.

Richards S., Aziz N., Bale S. et al. Rehm, the ACMG Laboratory Quality Assurance Committee Standardsand guidelines for the interpretation of sequence variants: a joint consensus recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics and the Association for Molecular Pathology. Genet Med. 2015;17(5).Р.405–424. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1038/gim.2015.30.

Turck D., Braegger C.P., Colombo C. et al. ESPEN- ESPGHANECFS guidelines on nutrition care for infants, children, and adults with cystic fibrosis. Clin Nutr. 2016;35(3).Р.557–577. DOI: http://doi. org/10.1016/j.clnu.2016.03.004.

Leifke E., Friemert M., Heilmann M. et al. Sex steroid sand body composition in men with cystic fibrosis. Eur J Endocrinol. 2003;148(5).Р.551–557. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1530/eje.0.1480551.

Blackman S.M., Tangpricha V. Endocrine Disordersin Cystic Fibrosis. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2016;63(4).Р.699–708. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j. pcl.2016.04.009.

Kang S.H., Dalcin P.T.R., Piltcher O.B, Migliavacca R.O. Chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis in cystic fibrosis: update on diagnosis and treatment. J Bras Pneumol. 2015;41(1).Р.65–76. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1590/S1806-37132015000100009.

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López-Valdez J.A., Aguilar-Alonso L.A., Gándara-Quezada V. et al. Cystic fibrosis: current concepts. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 2021;78(6). R. 584-596. DOI: 10.24875/BMHIM.20000372.

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Denning D.W., Cadranel J., Beigelman-Aubry C. et al. Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis: rationale and clinical guidelines for 188 diagnosis and management. Eur Respir J. 2016;47(1):45–68. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1183/13993003.00583-2015.

Kosmidis C., Denning D.W. The clinical spectrum of pulmonary aspergillosis. Thorax. 2015;70(3):270–277. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/thorax- jnl-2014-206291.

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Debray D., Narkewicz M.R., Bodewes F.A. et al. Cys- tic Fibrosis-related Liver Disease: Research Challenges and Future Perspectives. J Pediatr Gastro- enterol Nutr. 2017;65(4):443–448. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1097/MPG.0000000000001676.

Ciucă I.M., Pop L., Tămaş L. et al. Cystic fibrosis liver disease-from diagnosis to risk factors. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2014;55(1). R.91–95.

Klotter V., Gunchick C., Siemers E. et al. Assess- ment of pathologic increase in liver stiffness enables earlier diagnosis of CFLD: Results from a prospective longitudinal cohort study. PloS One.2017;12(6):e0178784. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/ journal.pone.0178784.

Terliesner N., Vogel M., Steighardt A. et al. Cystic- fibrosis related-diabetes (CFRD) is preceded by and associated with growth failure and deterio- rating lung function. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2017;30(8):815– 821. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ jpem-2017-0005.

Edenborough FP. Women with cystic fibrosis and their potential for reproduction. Thorax. 2001;56(8):649–655. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/ thorax.56.8.649.

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Castellani C., Duff A.J.A., Bell S.C. et al. ECFS best practice guidelines: the 2018 revision. J Cyst Fibros. 2018;17(2). P. 153–178. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j. jcf.2018.02.006.

Stevens D.A., Moss R.B., Kurup V.P. et al. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in cystic fibrosis — state of the art: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Consen- sus Conference. Clin Infect Dis. 2003;37(Suppl 3). R.S225–S264. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1086/376525.

Liu J.C., Modha D.E., Gaillard E.A. What is the cli- nical significance of filamentous fungi positive sputum cultures in patients with cystic fibrosis? J Cyst Fibros. 2013;12(3). P. 187–193. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jcf.2013.02.003.

Geller D.E., Kaplowitz H., Light M.J., Colin A.A. Aller- gic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in cystic fibrosis: reported prevalence, regional distribution, and patient characteristics. Scientific Advisory Group, In vestigators, and Coordinators of the Epidemiologic Study of Cystic Fibrosis. Chest. 1999;116(3). P. 639– 646. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1378/chest.116.3.639.

Zolin A., Orenti A., van Rens J. et al. ECFS Patient Registry. Annual Data Report (2017 data). Version 1.2019. Available online: https:// www.ecfs.eu/sites/ default/files/general-content-images/working- groups/ecfs-patient-registry/ECFSPR_Report2017_ v1.3.pdf. Accessed on April 17, 2022.

Leung D.H., Narkewicz M.R. Cystic Fibrosis-related cirrhosis. J Cyst Fibros. 2017;16(Suppl 2). P. 50–S61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcf.2017.07.002.

Pseudo-Bartter’s syndrome. In: Clinical Guidelines: Care of Children with Cystic Fibrosis. Royal Brompton Hospital; 2020. Vol.8. P. 173–174.

Akata D., Akhan O. Liver manifestations of cystic fi- brosis. Eur J Radiol. 2007;61(1). P. 11–17. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2006.11.008.

Williams S.M., Goodman R., Thomson A. et al. Ultra- sound evaluation of liver disease in cystic fibrosis as part of an annual assessment clinic: a 9-year review. Clin Radiol. 2002;57(5). P. 365–370. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1053/crad.2001.0861.

Mueller-Abt P.R., Frawley K.J., Greer R.M. et al. Comparison of ultrasound and biopsy findings in children with cystic fibrosis related liver disease. J Cyst Fibros. 2008;7(3). P. 215–221. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jcf.2007.08.001.

Durand F., Valla D. Assessment of the prognosis of cirrhosis: Child-Pugh versus MELD. J Hepatol. 2005;42(Suppl 1). P. 100–S107. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jhep.2004.11.015.

Moran A., Brunzell C., Cohen R.C. Clinical care guidelines for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes: a position statement of the American Diabetes Associ- ation and a clinical practice guideline of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, endorsed by the Pediatric Endocrine Society. Diabetes Care. 2010;33(12). P. 2697– 2708. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2337/dc10-1768.

Gordon C.M., Leonard M.B., Zemel B.S. 2013 Pedi- atric Position Development Conference: Executive Summary and Reflections. J Clin Densitom. 2014;17(2). P. 219–224. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j. jocd.2014.01.007.

Richards S., Aziz N., Bale S. et al. Rehm, the ACMG Laboratory Quality Assurance Committee Stan dards and guidelines for the interpretation of se- quence variants: a joint consensus recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics and the Association for Molecular Pathology. Genet Med. 2015;17(5). P. 405–424. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1038/gim.2015.30.

Turck D., Braegger C.P., Colombo C. et al. ESPEN- ESPGHANECFS guidelines on nutrition care for infants, children, and adults with cystic fibrosis. Clin Nutr. 2016;35(3). P. 557–577. DOI: http://doi. org/10.1016/j.clnu.2016.03.004.

Leifke E., Friemert M., Heilmann M. et al. Sex steroid sand body composition in men with cystic fibro- sis. Eur J Endocrinol. 2003;148(5). P. 551–557. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1530/eje.0.1480551.

Blackman S.M., Tangpricha V. Endocrine Disor- dersin Cystic Fibrosis. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2016;63(4). P. 699–708. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j. pcl.2016.04.009.

Kang S.H., Dalcin P.T.R., Piltcher O.B, Migliavacca R.O. Chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis in cystic fibrosis: update on diagnosis and treatment. J Bras Pneumol. 2015;41(1). P. 65–76. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1590/S1806-37132015000100009.

Isakov Yu.F., Dronova A.F. Detskaya khirurgiya: natsio- nal'noe rukovodstvo [Children's surgery: national lea- ders]. M.: GEOTAR-Media; 2009. S. 328–331. (in Russian).

Как цитировать
Баканова, Ю., Гульмамедова, К., & Трапезникова, А. (2023). ОСОБЕННОСТИ КЛИНИЧЕСКОЙ КАРТИНЫ И ДИАГНОСТИКИ МУКОВИСЦИДОЗА. Детская медицина Северо-Запада, 11(3), 97-109. https://doi.org/10.56871/CmN-W.2023.34.39.007