• undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined

Биографии авторов

undefined ,
Research department of Droplet infections at the Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases; postgraduate student of research department of Droplet infections at the Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases, St. Petersburg
undefined ,
Research department of Droplet infections at the Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases; 6th year student of the pediatric faculty.
undefined ,
MD, professor; Research department of Droplet infections at the Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases
undefined ,
Senior lecturer. Department of Foreign Languages
Как цитировать
undefined, undefined, undefined, & undefined. (2022). FORCIPE, 5(S3), 303-304. извлечено от https://ojs3.gpmu.org/index.php/forcipe/article/view/5009

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