Medico-psychological characteristics of combat veterans
425 former participants of armed conflicts and wars who underwent the rehabilitation treatment at MA Likhodei rehabilitation center for combatants-internationalists were examined using Mississippi scale for combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder. All respondents were male, 31.4% — persons under 31 years, 35.4% — 31–39 years old and 33.2% were 40 years and older. Most veterans revealed a variety of psychopathologic syndromes typical forPTSD: obsessive-phobic, asthenic, hysterical, explosive, depressive, psycho-organic, as well as sexual dysfunction. These syndromes are manifested primarily with: sleep disorders, often associated with nightmares, difficult concentrating, hypervigilance and enhanced startle reaction, social avoidance, distancing and alienation from others, including family members, changes in behavior, outbursts of rage, suicidal thoughts, irritability and a tendency to physical violence, alcohol or drug abuse, depression.