Implementation of language teaching process in multi level groups of medical students. Development of communicative competence

  • Ирина Ивановна Могилева Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University 194100, Saint-Рetersburg
  • Мария Юрьевна Дайнеко Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University 194100, Saint-Рetersburg
  • Майя Павловна Слободчикова Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University 194100, Saint-Рetersburg
Keywords: ESP, improvement of and implementation of teaching process, motivation, communicative competence, multi level approach, teaching medical students


The article is aimed at planning and implementation of teaching process in a multi level language group of the students of preventive medicine. The authors deal with communicative competence development in medical students with different level of English, who are obliged to study together. Despite difficulties of implementation of the teaching process, the authors underline the importance of teaching English as the language of international communication. During the teaching process the student learns to think critically, not to be afraid of demonstrating his/her personal viewpoint, reconstruct real life situations and participate in the teaching process. Thus, the subjective situation approach turns to be more resultative and alternative way to teach and represent the material. The authors represent different kinds of lexical and grammatical exercises, special text tasks are divided into pre reading and post reading exercises. All the tasks and exercises are classified into three levels according to the knowledge of students (the groups are divided into beginners, intermediate and upper intermediate). The beginners deal with visualized exercises, matching pictures while the upper intermediate students surf the Internet to find the necessary piece of information according to the task. This kind of personalized approach urges interest in language and motivates the students. Reading and writing aspects are discussed in the article. Thus, development of communicative competence in ESP (English for specific purposes) depends on motivation and stimulation of interest in the medical students. The subjective situation approach reveals language competence, reconstructs possible communicative situations in the professional field, which can be necessary in their future professional life.

Author Biographies

Ирина Ивановна Могилева, Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University 194100, Saint-Рetersburg
Litovskaya str., 2; PhD, Associate Prof., Head of the Department of Foreign Languages with courses of Russian and Latin languages
Мария Юрьевна Дайнеко, Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University 194100, Saint-Рetersburg
Litovskaya str., 2; PhD, Associate Prof., Head of the Department of Foreign Languages with courses of Russian and Latin languages
Майя Павловна Слободчикова, Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University 194100, Saint-Рetersburg
Litovskaya str., 2; PhD, Associate Prof., Head of the Department of Foreign Languages with courses of Russian and Latin languages
How to Cite
Могилева, И. И., Дайнеко, М. Ю., & Слободчикова, М. П. (2021). Implementation of language teaching process in multi level groups of medical students. Development of communicative competence. Medicine and Organization of Health Care, 6(2), 14-20. Retrieved from