The article presents a study of sexual identity and sexual behavior of male gender diagnosed with “schizophrenia” (S) and “mental retardation” (MR). The object of the study was presented by two groups of 80 patients of psychoneurological boarding schools of St. Petersburg — a group with a diagnosis of “mental retardation” (MR) — 40 men and a group with a diagnosis of “schizophrenia” (S) — 33 men. The age of the groups represented ranged from 21 to 42 years. Many years of experience with this contingent of people allowed us to formulate a hypothesis according to which a direct connection between the characteristics of the sexual sphere and the sphere of sexual identity with the manifestation and dynamics of the disease takes place. With the help of the clinical- phenomenological method and the psychodiagnostic technique “Thematic Apperceptive Test” (TAT), as well as statistical procedures of correlation, cluster and factor analysis nonparametric Mann–Whitney U-test, structural and dynamic analysis was carried out and clinical data were obtained, unique psychopathological phenomena of the sexual sphere and the sphere of sexual identity of these patients were described. The specificity of the claimed material and the objectives of the study is that only content analysis, long-term clinical observations, direct work with patients in the rehabilitation process are able to assess the existing spectrum of deviations.
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