• A.M. Sergeev Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. Lithuania 2, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 194100
  • A.V. Pozdnyakov Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. Lithuania 2, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 194100
  • O.F. Pozdnyakova Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. Lithuania 2, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 194100
  • V.I. Proshin Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. Lithuania 2, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 194100
Keywords: magnetic resonance imaging; proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy; STEAM; PRESS; CHESS; MOIST


Introduction. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy makes it possible to determine changes in metabolic processes in brain tissues in various diseases of the central nervous system. However, it should be noted that the diagnostic capabilities of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy depend on the quality of water signal suppression. There are various methods of suppressing the water signal, however, one or another method does not always provide convincing data. The aim of the study was to optimize the water suppression technique of multivoxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Material and methods: To optimize the technique of multivoxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and the choice of an H2O suppression program, an experimental study was conducted on phantoms using various programs and parameters of the sequences used. The STEAM and PRESS programs of multivoxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy were used. Technical parameters of the study: TR = 5000 ms, TE = 144ms, the number of accumulations is 256, with the localization of the volumetric voxel grid evenly distributed over the volume of the phantom, the matrix is 180×180, the voxel sizes were up to 10×10×10 mm. Water suppression methods: Gauss, CHESS and MOIST. Results: according to the data obtained by us, it follows that when comparing the maximum and minimum values of the height of H2O peaks on the ordinate axis of the spectrograms, the best method of water suppression was MOIST, while the sequence of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy STEAM is slightly inferior to the sequence PRESS. Conclusions: thus, the best multivoxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy technique for suppressing the signal from water — PRESS with parameters has been experimentally determined: TE = 144 s, TR = 5000 ms and H2O suppression by MOIST method.


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How to Cite
Sergeev, A., Pozdnyakov, A., Pozdnyakova, O., & Proshin, V. (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF MULTIVOXEL PROTON MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY WATER SUPPRESSION TECHNIQUE USING PHANTOMS. Visualization in Medicine, 5(4), 3-11. Retrieved from https://ojs3.gpmu.org/index.php/visual-med/article/view/5857

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